Sports Massage at JT Chiropractic
What is Sport Massage?
Sports massage is the management, manipulation and rehabilitation of the soft tissues of the body which include the muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments. The purpose of a regular sports massage is to help prevent injury by improving the conditions of the soft tissue. It can help improve range of movement, tone, symmetry. Often these imbalances of soft tissue are caused by overuse or over exertion and massage can help assist by breaking down the tissues quickly and effectively. The application of sports massage may enhance performance, aid recovery and prevent injury.
The main things sport massage therapists treat are
– General stiffness and postural imbalances
– Ligament, tendon and muscle sprain/strain injuries
– Sport injuries
The main aims of treatment are
– Ease pain from muscle spasms and other muscular issues
– Assist tissue repair
– Alleviate stress
– Reduce muscle tension
– Break down of scar tissue
– Restore good range of movement and function
– Injury prevention
– Boost circulatory system
– Prepare an athlete for peak performance
– Increase recovery times
What to expect on your visit to the sports massage therapist?
Sports massage appointments are initially 1 hour, which allows the firs 10-15 minutes for the therapist to assess you. Follow on appointment can be either 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 60 minutes depending on your requirement.
30 minutes massage typically covers one area of the body, for example, a leg massage for tight strained calves. Treatment for more than one area, such as neck back and shoulder, usually requires a longer 60 minute appointment.
However, sometimes this longer appointment can also be used for an area that requires a longer deeper massage. We also offer 45 mins appointments, due to customer feedback, and often it works well with a subsquent chiropractic treatment.
On your first appointment with the therapist, the first 10 minutes of your appointment will consist of your therapist taking a brief case history of your condition and general health profile before they begin your massage.
How does sports massage integrate with Chiropractic care?
Sports Massage treatment can be very effective at helping relieve pain either solely or in conjunction with Chiropractic where appropriate. Having an in house sports massage alongside Chiropractic care is the ideal combination for the treatment of many different joint and muscle conditions.
Chiropractic care will help realign and restore function of the neuromuscoskeletal system. However sometimes alongside chiropractic care, sports massage helps further alleviate and breaks down the surrounding soft tissues.