As we start a second national lockdown here in England from today Thursday 5th November, we wanted to let you know that medical practices, like us, who are working in PPE and are Covid secure are able to stay open.
We will therefore continue with appointments as planned prior to this new restrictions, as both Chiropractic and Sports massage therapy are classified as a healthcare service. At the moment, all appointments scheduled will be going ahead as we continue to provide a safe environment for you to visit in line with the guidelines from our professional bodies and regulators.
The clinic will run with the same stipulations that we have had in place for the last few months, as listed here:
* All patients to wear face masks (if medically able to) the whole time you are in the clinic.
* Please enter and exit the clinic using our one way system.
* We ask all patients to wash and sanitise their hands on entering the clinic.
* There is never any more than 2 patients in the waiting area at any given time, with adequate social distancing.
* We are all working in full PPE.
* We are following strict COVID-19 santisiation of work areas and clinical areas.
* All patients are screened prior to appointments (please continue completing you COVID-19 questionnaire on the link we send to you prior to every appointment you have booked).
* All patients are to pay by using our contactless card machine.
If you have any specific queries or concerns regarding visiting the clinic please do not hesitate to contact us, our team will be happy to answer any questions.
We have a caring and dedicated team so if anyone from the community needs any support over the next four weeks, please reach out. We look forward to welcoming you into the clinic over the coming weeks.
Wishing everyone our best over the next four weeks.